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I'M All Confused

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 黃鶯鶯 / 明天你是否依然愛我(英文精選)
I'm All ConfUsed - 黃鶯鶯
WrItten bY:PatrIck Goh
I'm all confUsed
Don't know what I'm doIng
Hear bY the news
Or am I hallUsInatIng
Lost In the crowed
Don't know where I'm goIng
The mUsIc sreamIn' Loud
BUt I can't hear a thIng
ShoUld I shoUldn't I
DId we or dIdn't we
ThIs Is stIll the tIme for the Light of me
YoU don't know wIch to choose
I know we've got to break loose
BUt I'm all confUsed
TheY talk aboUt YoU
Told me what YoU where
I thoUght It wasn't trUe
BUt now I'm not so sUre
Saw YoU wIthIn
Heard what YoU wIll saYIng
Was It a dream
ShoUld I stop belIevIng
ShoUld I shoUldn't I
DId we or dIdn't we
ThIs Is stIll the tIme for the Light of me
YoU don't know wIch to choose
I know we've got to break loose
BUt I'm all confUsed
ShoUld I shoUldn't I
DId we or dIdn't we
ThIs Is stIll the tIme for the Light of me
YoU don't know wIch to choose
I know we've got to break loose
BUt I'm all confUsed
ThoUght of YoU
SaYIng It's Forever
Talk aboUt YoU
TellIn' me It's over
StandIng here
ThInkIn' aboUt Tomorrow
WoUld YoU stIll be near
WhY YoU woUldn't here tonIght
ShoUld I shoUldn't I
DId we or dIdn't we
ThIs Is stIll the tIme for the Light of me
YoU don't know wIch to choose
I know we've got to break loose
BUt I'm all confUsed

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Once Burned,Twice Shy