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So Sad

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 黃鶯鶯 / Songs Of The 60's Volume 2

We Used to have good tImes Together

BUt now I feel them slIp awaY

It makes me crY to see love dIe

So sad to watch good love go bad

Remember how we Used to feel dear

YoU saId nothIng coUld change YoU mInd

It breaks mY heart to see Us part

So sad to watch good love go bad

Is It anY wonder that I feel so blUe

When I know for certaIn that I'm losIng YoU

Remember how YoU Used to feel dear

YoU saId nothIng coUld change YoUr mInd

It breaks mY heart to see Us part

So sad to watch good love go bad

So sad to watch good love go bad

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The Wedding
Only The Lonely