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Just the way you are

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 黃小琥 / Over The Rainbow


JUst the waY YoU are

LYrIcs:BIllY Joel

MUsIc:BIllY Joel

Don't go changIng to Try and Please me

YoU never let me down before

Don't ImagIne YoU're too famIlIar

And I Don't see YoU anY more

I woUldn't leave YoU In tImes of troUble

We never coUld coUld have come thIs far

I took the good tImes,I'll take the bad tImes

I'll take YoU jUst the waY YoU are

I Don't want clever conversatIon

I never want to work that hard

更多歌詞都可以來 chagecI.cn 查歌詞網(wǎng)

I jUst want @R_765_1575@ that I can talk to

I want YoU jUst the waY YoU are

I need to know that YoU wIll alwaYs be

The same old @R_765_1575@ that I knew

What wIll It take tIll YoU belIeve In me

The waY that I belIeve In YoU

I saId I love YoU and that's Forever

And thIs promIse from the heart

I coUld not love YoU anY better

I love YoU jUst the waY YoU are

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When I Fall In Love