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If You Love My Soul

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 郭采潔 / Vol.13-1986數(shù)羊


If YoU Love MY SoUl

作詞:郭采潔 AK

作曲:郭采潔 AK、伊德爾 YIder

In the sea

In the street

In the wInd

LIps to ears

太陽落下 多一天像你

太陽升起 少一點自己

太陽落下 多一天像你

太陽升起 少一點自己

貪一口呵欠 事后流淚

欲言又止的風 吹出了香氣


Yet,I have nothIng

MY name Is whIspered wIth YoUrs

貪一口呵欠 不住流淚

欲言又止的風 催促著別離

從此刻散去 默許再相遇

Yet,I have nothIng

MY name Is whIspered wIth YoUrs

In the street

In the wInd

MY heart ( Is dancIng )

太陽落下 多一天像你

太陽升起 少一點自己

太陽落下 多一天像你

更多歌詞都可以來 chagecI.cn 查歌詞網(wǎng)

太陽升起 少一點自己


In the street

MY heart

In the street

In the wInd

MY heart ...

貪一口呵欠 事后流淚

欲言又止的風 吹出了香氣


Yet,I have nothIng

MY name Is whIspered wIth YoUrs

貪一口呵欠 不住流淚

欲言又止的風 催促著別離

從此刻散去 默許再相遇

Yet,I have nothIng

MY name Is whIspered wIth YoUrs

In the street

In the wInd

WearIng MY heart

On mY sleeve

MY heart Is dancIng

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Never Let Me Go