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We will worship

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 關心妍 / 妍亮 SHINE

We wIll worshIp

作詞:John LaUdon

作曲:John LaUdon

編曲:John LaUdon

監(jiān)制:John LaUdon

JesUs YoU are worthY

Of all honor and blessIng and praIse

We are longIng we are waItIng

For the daY YoU wIll come agaIn

JesUs YoU have called Us

To lIve lIves that are worthY of YoUr name

To proclaIm YoU and eXalt YoU

To let the world know that oUr God reIgns

We wIll worshIp and we wIll bow down

We wIll kneel at the throne of the KIng

For YoU've rIsen and ascended to heaven

We proclaIm that YoU are comIng agaIn

YoU're vIctorIoUs and YoU have conqUered

Over sIn and on death YoU have won

Now YoU reIgn In glorY and honor

Lamb of Godthe HolY One

JesUs YoU forgave Us

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BY the cross bY YoUr blood we are set free

Cleansed and holY YoUr brIde Is waItIng

For the DaY of the weddIng feast

We wIll worshIp and we wIll bow down

We wIll kneel at the throne of the KIng

For YoU've rIsen and ascended to heaven

We proclaIm that YoU are comIng agaIn

YoU're vIctorIoUs and YoU have conqUered

Over sIn and on death YoU have won

Now YoU reIgn In glorY and honor

Lamb of Godthe HolY One

Come Lord JesUs YoUr chUrch Is longIng

For the daY of the Lord to arrIve

WIth a mIghtY shoUt In the heaven

We wIll raIse Up the battle crY

YoU're vIctorIoUs and YoU have conqUered

Over sIn and on death YoU have won

Now YoU reIgn In glorY and honor

Lamb of Godthe HolY One

KIng of kIngsAnoInted One

Lamb of Godthe HolY One

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