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Stuck On You

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 杜德偉 / Best Love 2

StUck On YoU - 杜德偉 (AleX To)
WrItten bY:LIonel RIchIe

I've got thIs feelIng down deep In mY soUl
That I jUst can't lose gUess I'm On My Way
Needed a frIend
And the waY I feel now I gUess I'll be wIth YoU StIl the end
GUess I'm On My Way I'm mIghtY glad YoU staYed
I'm stUck on YoU
Been a fool too long I gUess It's tIme for me to come on home
GUess I'm On My Way So hard to see
That a woman lIke YoU woUld waIt aroUnd for a man lIke me
GUess I'm On My Way I'm mIghtY glad YoU staYed
I'm leavIng on that mIdnIght traIn Tomorrow
And I know jUst where I'm goIng
I've packed Up mY troUbles And I've thrown them all awaY
CaUse thIs tIme lIttle darlIng I'm comIng home to staY
I'm stUck on YoU
I've got thIs feelIng down deep In mY soUl that I jUst can't lose
GUess I'm On My Way Needed a frIend
And the waY I feel now I gUess I'll be wIth YoU stIl the end
GUess I'm On My Way I'm mIghtY glad YoU staYed

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