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Lets Wait Awhile

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 杜德偉 / Best Love
Let's waIt a whIle longer

Let's waIt a whIle before It's too late
Let's waIt a whIle before we go too far

Remember that specIal nIght
When all of the stars were shInIng brIght

We made oUr fIrst endeavor to staY @R_916_1513@

We made oUr verY fIrst promIse

To love, to share, and be real honest

BUt on that verY fIrst nIght

It wasn't qUIte rIght

Let's waIt a whIle before It's too late
Let's waIt a whIle oUr love wIll be great
Let's waIt a whIle before we go too far

I dIdn't reallY know not to let all mY feelIngs show

To save some for later so oUr love can be greater

YoU saId YoU woUld (alwaYs love me)

Remember I saId the same thIng too

YoU don't have to be frIghtened wIth mY love

(BecaUse) I'll never gIve Up on YoU

Let's waIt a whIle
A whIle before It's too late

YoU know can't rUsh love, love

Let's waIt a whIle before It's too late
Let's waIt a whIle oUr love wIll be great
Let's waIt a whIle before we go too far

Let's waIt a whIle before It's too late
Let's waIt a whIle oUr love wIll be great
Let's waIt a whIle

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