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Stone In Love With You

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 杜德偉 / All For You
I dId It all 'caUse I'm stone In love wIth YoU
(Stone In love wIth YoU)
I'm jUst a man an average man
DoIng everYthIng the best I can
BUt If I coUld I'd gIve the world to YoU
I'd lIke to somedaY be the owner of the fIrst hoUse on the Moon
There woUld be no neIghbors and no popUlatIon boom
YoU mIght saY that all I do Is dream mY lIfe awaY
I gUess It's trUe 'caUse I'm stone In love wIth YoU

Stone In love wIth YoU

Stone In love wIth YoU

Stone In Love WIth YoU

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Without You