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Uptown Girl

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 陳奕迅 / 拉闊壓軸
Uptown gIrl
She's been lIvIng In her Uptown world
I bet she's never had a backstreet gUY
I bet her momma never told her whY

I'm gonna Try for an Uptown gIrl
She's been lIvIng In her whIte bread world
As long as anYone Ith hot blood can
And now she's lookIng for a downtown man
That's what I am

And when she knows
What she wants from her tIme
And when she wakes Up
And makes Up her mInd

She'll see I'm not so toUgh
JUst becaUse
I'm In love wIth an Uptown gIrl
YoU know I've seen her In her Uptown world
She's gettIng tIred of her hIgh class toYs
And all her presents from her Uptown boYs
She's got a choIce

Uptown gIrl
YoU know I can't afford to bUY her pearls
BUt maYbe somedaY when mY shIp comes In
She'll Understand what kInd of gUY I've been
And then I'll wIn

And when she's walkIng
She's lookIng so fIne
And when she's talkIng
She'll saY that she's mIne

She'll saY I'm not so toUgh
JUst becaUse
I'm In love wIth an Uptown gIrl
She's been lIvIng In her whIte bread world
As long as anYone wIth hot blood can
And now she's lookIng for a downtown man
That's what I am

Uptown gIrl
She's mY Uptown gIrl
Uptown gIrl
She's mY Uptown gIrl
Uptown gIrl
She's mY Uptown gIrl
Uptown gIrl
She's mY Uptown gIrl


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Somethin' Stupid