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So Sweet

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 陳以桐 / Glass Heart

YoU alwaYs pIck me Up when I feel Low

YoU're the sUgar sweet to kIck off mY daY

Oh no I jUst can't keep awaY

YoU got the kInd of taste that screams so Loud

The perfect Gift wIthoUt a doUbt

MY eYes Light Up when YoU're aroUnd

I mIght be addIcted to YoU now

YoU're so sweet lIke honeY after mIdnIght

YoU melt mY heart lIke chocolate In the @R_575_1359@
So sweet lIke candY after bedtIme
BUt all I need Yeah YoU're so sweet

There's not a thIng that coUld take YoUr place

Irreplaceable In so manY waYs

YoU got the kInd of taste that screams so Loud

The perfect Gift wIthoUt a doUbt

Yeah YoU're so sweet lIke honeY after mIdnIght

YoU melt mY heart lIke chocolate In the @R_575_1359@

So sweet lIke candY after bedtIme
BUt all I need Yeah YoU're so sweet

YoU got me sIngIng

YoU love me jUst jUst as I am
YoU never jUdge YoU never ran
Oh I'm In love caUse YoU're so perfect In everY waY
So sweet lIke honeY after mIdnIght

YoU melt mY heart lIke chocolate In the @R_575_1359@
So sweet lIke candY after bedtIme

BUt all I need Yeah YoU're so sweet

YoU got me sIngIng

So so sweet

So so sweet

So so sweet

Oh Yeah YoU're so sweet

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Runner up (Remix)
Break Your Heart