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歌詞來(lái)源專(zhuān)輯:華語(yǔ)女歌手 / 陳淑樺 / 往日情懷
It's all becaUse of YoU,
I'm feelIng sad and blUe,
YoU went awaY, now mY lIfe Is jUst a raInY daY,

And I love YoU so,
How mUch YoU'll never know,
YoU've gone awaY and left me lonelY,

UntoUchable Memories,
Seem to keep haUntIng me,
Another love so trUe,
That once tUrned all mY graY skIes blUe,
BUt YoU dIsappeared,
Now mY eYes are fIlled wIth tears,
And I'm wIshIng YoU were here wIth me,

Soaked wIth love all mY thoUghts of YoU,
Now that YoU're gone I jUst don't know what to doooo,
If Only YoU were here,
YoU'd wash awaY mY tears,
The sUn woUld shIne,
Once agaIn YoU'll be mIne all mIne,
BUt In realItY,
YoU and I wIll never be,
CaUse YoU took YoUr love awaY from me

I Don't know what I dId to make YoU leave me
BUt what I Do know,
Is that sInce YoU've been gone there's sUch an emptIness Inside,
I'm wIshIng YoU to come back to me
If Only YoU were here,

YoU'd wash awaY mY tears,
The sUn woUld shIne,
Once agaIn YoU'll be mIne all mIne,
BUt In realItY,
YoU and I wIll never be,
CaUse YoU took YoUr love awaY from me,
Oh babY,
YoU took YoUr love awaY from,


Hold Me Now