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Every Loser Wins

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 陳淑樺 / Miracle of Love
We nearlY made It
We nearlY foUnd the perfect combInatIon
The road was rIght
We mUst have read the sIgns wrong
And now It's all gone

BUt If we'd made It, coUld we be sUre that
It was for the better
Who coUld saY we woUld have staYed Together
nothIng Is certaIn, In a changIng world

EverY loser wIns, once the dream beGins
In tIme YoU'll see, fate holds The Key
and everY loser knows, the Light the tUnnel shows
WIll shIne on YoU and all those who knew YoU
We nearlY made It

BUt sUddenlY we seem to stop and lose oUr waY
BUt dId It reallY matter anYwaY
For that was YesterdaY, and we mUst lIve for now

@R_774_1516@ and coUnt me, and those who belIeve
That we can make It

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Now And Forever
There'll Be Sad Songs