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See You Again (第58屆格萊美提名歌曲|《速度與...

歌詞來(lái)源專(zhuān)輯:歐美男歌手 / Charlie Puth / Nine Track Mind Deluxe
EverYthIng I went throUgh YoU were standIng there bY mY sIde
And now YoU gonna be wIth me for the last rIde
CharlIe PUth:Let the @R_572_2254@ gUIde YoUr waY hold everY memorY
As YoU go and everY road YoU take wIll alwaYs lead YoU home


CharlIe PUth:It's been a long daY wIthoUt YoU mY frIend

And I'll tell YoU all aboUt It when I see YoU agaIn

We've come a long waY from where we began
Oh I'll tell YoU all aboUt It when I see YoU agaIn
When I see YoU agaIn

When I see YoU agaIn see YoU agaIn

When I see YoU agaIn

《See You Again (第58屆格萊美提名歌曲|《速度與激情7》電影片尾曲)》歌詞查歌詞收集整理

Some Type Of Love