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Scrambled Eggs Blues

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 岑寧兒 / Nothing is Under Control
Let me scramble YoU
Scrambled me scrambled YoU
Hear mY scrambled blUes
哭不出來 切個洋蔥 煎個蛋
點半 的第一餐
Scramble me scramble me
Oh I scramble YoU
Don't YoU get me wrong
Words are alwaYs mIsUnderstood
說不出來 聽不明白 怎么辦
天快亮 煎個蛋 做早餐
Please have a seat have a feast
On mY scrambled blUes
Ham and cheese cheese and cheese
WoUld YoU lIke some mUshroom
WaIt a mInUte what Is that oh mY bad
YoU wanted an omelette Instead
Well that's too bad the world Is scrambled
Scrambled lIke eggs

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Maybe It’s for the Best