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When U Say Nothing At All

歌詞來源專輯:華語女歌手 / 蔡依林 / 愛的練習(xí)語
When YoU SaY NothIng At All
演唱:AlIson KraUss

It's amazIng how YoU can speak rIght to mY heart (真令人驚奇,你竟能一語說中我的思)
wIthoUt saYIng a word YoU can Light Up the dark (無需任何話語,你就能照亮這夜空)
Try as I maY I can never eXplaIn (我嘗試過,可是無法解釋明白)
what I hear when YoU don't saY a thIng (每當(dāng)你沉默無語時我聽見的是什么)

the Smile on YoUr face lets me know that YoU need me (你臉上的笑容使我明白你需要我)
there's a trUth In YoUr eYes saYIng YoU'll never leave me (你眼中的依戀使我知道你不會離我而去)
the toUgh of YoUr hand saYs YoU'll catch me wherever I Fall (雙手的觸摸告訴我無論我在何處跌倒,你都會攙扶我)
YoU saY It best when YoU saY nothIng at all (你說那種感覺真好,一切盡在不言中)

all daY long I can hear people talkIng oUt Loud (一整天,我都在聽人們高談闊論)
bUt when YoU hold me near YoU drown the crowd (但當(dāng)你擁著我離開人群)
Try as theY maY theY can never defIne (無論他們如何努力也永遠(yuǎn)不會明白)
what's been saId between YoUr heart and mIne (我倆默契的中到底承諾了些什么)

the Smile on YoUr face lets me know that YoU need me (你臉上的笑容使我明白你需要我)
there's a trUth In YoUr eYes saYIng YoU'll never leave me (你眼中的依戀使我知道你不會離我而去)
the toUgh of YoUr hand saYs YoU'll catch me wherever I Fall (雙手的觸摸告訴我無論我在何處跌倒,你都會攙持我)
YoU saY It best when YoU saY nothIng at all (你說那種感覺真好,一切盡在不言中)

the Smile on YoUr face lets me know that YoU need me (你臉上的笑容使我明白你需要我)
there's a trUth In YoUr eYes saYIng YoU'll never leave me (你眼中的依戀使我知道你不會離我而去)
the toUgh of YoUr hand saYs YoU'll catch me wherever I Fall (雙手的觸摸告訴我無論我在何處跌倒,你都會扶持我)
YoU saY It best when YoU saY nothIng at all (你說那種感覺真好,一切盡在不言中)

"When YoU SaY NothIng At All" 是浪漫文藝片《NottIng HIll》(諾丁山)的主題曲
由寫過20首鄉(xiāng)村冠軍金曲的創(chuàng)作組合PaUl Overstreet,Don SchlItz聯(lián)手譜寫,88年由
鄉(xiāng)村歌手KeIth WhItleY首唱并唱紅,后由Ronan KeatIng為電影配唱.
這里介紹的是95年由AlIson KraUss翻唱的版本,可能大家更熟悉這個藍(lán)草風(fēng)格的版本
她憑借這首歌以精湛傳情的演唱勇奪格萊美獎.AlIson 是當(dāng)今美國蘭草音樂的領(lǐng)軍者
"蘭草音樂" (BlUe Grass)是美國民間音樂的一種,從上世紀(jì)二十年代出現(xiàn)并開始發(fā)展
在新世紀(jì)里未顯絲毫頹敗之勢,因 AlIson 這樣優(yōu)秀蘭草歌手的不斷革新,使蘭草音樂

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Thank U