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Right Here Waiting

歌詞來源專輯:華語男歌手 / 阿杜 / Do The Best
oceans apart daY after daY@H_578_0@ and I s@R_2@R_572_4325@_3853@lY go Insane@H_578_0@ I hear YoUr voIce on the lIne@H_578_0@ bUt It doesnt stop the paIn@H_578_0@ If I see YoU neXt to never@H_578_0@ how can we saY Forever@H_578_0@ wherever YoU go@H_578_0@ whatever YoU do@H_578_0@ I wIll be rIght here waItIng for YoU@H_578_0@ whatever It takes@H_578_0@ or how mY heart breaks@H_578_0@ I wIll be rIght here waItIng for YoU@H_578_0@ I took for granted all the tImes@H_578_0@ that I thoUght woUld last somehow@H_578_0@ I hear the laUghter I taste the tears@H_578_0@ bUt I cant get near YoU now@H_578_0@ oh cant YoU see It babY@H_578_0@ YoUve got me goIng crazY@H_578_0@ I wonder how we can sUrvIve@H_578_0@ thIs romance@H_578_0@ bUt In the end If Im wIth YoU@H_578_0@ Ill take the chance@H_578_0@ oh cant YoU see It babY@H_578_0@ YoUve got me goIng crazY@H_578_0@ waItIng for YoU~@H_578_0@ 歌詞大全www.chagecI.cn

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